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Lunch Menus

Children can choose to have a school lunch or bring in their own packed lunch to school.  For children who opt for packed lunch, we encourage a healthy and balanced lunchbox. These are monitored by the Midday Meals Supervisors.


From September 2023,  Westminster City Council is offering free lunches for all pupils who attend Westminster Schools.  

If you wish to change your child's meal pattern from this term, please email the school office.

If your child is normally eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and you have not yet applied for these, you can still do this to access food vouchers in the school holidays and free activities. More information is on the council's website or you can contact our school office.

If your child's medical or dietary needs change and their school lunch choice needs to be altered, please contact the school office -  

Pupils attending our nursery full-time are also offered a free lunch.  

  • Pupils in the EYFS and KS1 are provided with a piece of fruit each day.
  • Water is readily provided and each child is encouraged to drink water during the day.
  • Pupils are encouraged to eat healthily wherever possible.
  • Sweets, chocolate, crisps and other sugary snacks are not permitted on school premises – including the playground – at any time.  If parents bring such foods at the end of the day, we request that they wait until they are off the school premises before giving them to their children.
  • We are not able to host birthday parties during school time and are unable to share cakes, sweets or party bags at the end of the day.  We celebrate all birthday's during our Friday Celebration Assembly.

Healthy eating and lifestyle