Our Governing Body
What is the role of the Governing Body?
Every school has a governing board which represents the interests of the children, local community and wider public in the running of the school.
The role of School Governors is to help schools provide the best possible education for the pupils at the school by working closely with the Executive Headteacher, Staff and the Local Education Authority. School governing bodies that clearly understand their roles and responsibilities, build productive relationships with school leaders, know their schools well and use the views of parents, pupils and the wider community are best equipped to drive improvement in their schools.
The main aim of the governing body is to maintain and improve the quality of education and the standards of achievement and attainment at the school.
Our Governors
Our Chair of Governors (Kate McCarthy) can be contacted at chair@stbarnabasprimary.org.uk
Click on the link below to see:
- Governing Body Details & Register of Interests
- Link Governor details
What does a school governor do?
School governors are members of governing bodies, whose purpose is to help provide the best possible education for pupils at the school. Governing bodies are responsible for the strategic management of the school and will make decisions about a wide range of issues.
The core responsibilities involved are:
- Setting the school's aims, vision, ethos and values
- Holding the Headteacher to account for teaching, achievement, behaviour and safety; challenging and strengthening leadership; contributing to school evaluation.
- Monitoring and evaluating the school’s progress
- Budgetary allocation and control
- Planning for the long term future of the school
- Appointing senior members of staff including the Headteacher
- Engaging all the school's stakeholders, especially parents
Who appoints governors?
There are several different groups responsible for appointing governors, although once appointed all governors essentially perform the same role.
- Parent governors usually have children at the school and have been elected to join the governing body by the parent body.
- Staff governors are elected on to the governing body by staff at the school
- Foundation governors (PCC, Deanery and LDBS)
- Local Authority governors are appointed by the Local Authority of the school
Training, development and support for governors
Training and development is a vital part of becoming an effective governor. It assists governors in dealing with the issues that occur regularly, in keeping up with the many changes taking place in education, and in supporting schools to raise standards.