St. Barnabas' CofE Primary School & Nursery Admissions
Visits to the school by prospective parents are warmly welcomed. Tours and meetings are held with our Head of School, Miss Lauren Castle.
If you would like to book a virtual visit or a telephone call to find out more about our school, please contact Miss Shaw or Mrs Colburn in the school office.
Telephone: 020 7186 0152 or
For Admission to our School Nursery 2024-2025
We offer 15 hours’ free childcare for children in our Nursery Class each week during term time. Parents can also apply for the option to increase this to a full-time, 30 hour place (based on the school admissions criteria and where places are available). If the following criteria do not apply, additional sessions will cost £20 for each extra morning or afternoon.
A full-time, 30 hour place would require parents to either:
- be eligible for 30 hours’ funding and apply for a code from the HMRC website
(see below for more information)
or - demonstrate that their child is eligible for Free School Meals (to reduce the cost of additional sessions to £10)
(contact the school office to check eligibility)
- be a child of a service family (to reduce the cost of additional sessions to £10)
If you are eligible for the 30 Hours’ Free Childcare funding you need to apply for it here - and enter your information. The process may take up to 20 minutes to complete. You will then be provided with a code which you can send to the school office.
For a place in our Nursery Class from September 2024, parents must complete the school's Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and return this directly to the school office by Friday 21st June 2024. You do not need to apply through your local authority for applications to Nursery.
Parents will be notified of autumn term Nursery places from Monday 1st July 2024.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school office ( or 020 7186 0152) if you have any questions about this.
If you would like to book a visit or a telephone call to find out more about our school, please contact Miss Shaw or Mrs Colburn in the school office.
Telephone: 020 7186 0152 or
For Admission to Reception Class, September 2024-2025:
Applications to Reception Class should be made vie the eAdmissions website and a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) can also be completed and sent back to our school office.
Click here for Westminster City Council's admission information for Reception Class, September 2024.
Find our clergy reference form here.
If you would like to book a visit or a telephone call to find out more about our school, please contact Miss Shaw or Mrs Colburn in the school office to make an appointment with Miss Castle, Head of School.
Telephone: 020 7186 0152 or
For In-Year Admissions (joining any year group at any time within the school year)
To apply for an in-year place in any of our other year groups (Years 1-6) parents/carers need to apply through their Local Authority’s admissions team and must also complete the Supplementary Information for Admission to St Barnabas Primary School.
Find our clergy reference form here.
If you would like to book a visit or a telephone call to find out more about our school, please contact Miss Shaw or Mrs Colburn in the school office to make an appointment with Miss Castle, Head of School.
Telephone: 020 7186 0152 or
Determined Admission Arrangements
In accordance with Regulation 17 of the School Admissions Regulations 2012, admission arrangements must be formally determined by the responsible admission authority.
Click here to read the Determined Admission Arrangements.
The link to eAdmissions is
The address for the web link to Westminster Council Admissions is
In accordance with Regulation 21 of the Regulations and Section 88 of the SSFA 1998, any person or body who considered that any maintained school or Academy’s arrangements are unlawful, or not compliant with the Code or relevant law relating to admissions, can make an objection to the Schools Adjudicator